Virtual Droomvlucht

Experience Droomvlucht in virtual reality

Disabled visitors can also enjoy the attraction with Virtual Droomvlucht. All senses are stimulated by virtual reality, music, scents and wind. Moreover, visitors are connected with their group in the regular attraction by headphones and microphones, so they can experience this enchanting attraction together.

Do you want to discover Virtual Droomvlucht? Report with your whole party at the entrance for visitors with a facility card, at the corner of souvenir shop De Gulden Gaarde. A staff member will give you further instructions there.

Dreaming with open eyes

In this enchanting world of fairies, elves and trolls, unicorns and forest animals come to life. And when night falls, cities are float endlessly through the darkness. When the sun comes up, the enchanting forest awakens.

Discover Droomvlucht dark ride